On booking a place, you'll be asked for your email and phone number so that we can inform you of any changes to the Club. In the event that you are unable to attend Print Club on this date, please note that the ticket is non-transferrable to any following month. To receive a refund on your ticket, please send an email to [email protected] no later than 1 week before the date of the Print Club.
Coffee, tea and other refreshments are provided on the day but you'll need to provide your own lunch. Regular members usually bring food to share but this isn't compulsory!
Unfortunately the Biscuit Tin Studio gallery is not accessible to wheelchairs.
To book a place, please use the buttons below.
Saturday 1 Feb 2025
Sold out
Please note that in the event that you are unable to attend Print Club on this date, the ticket is non-transferrable to the following month.
To receive a refund on your ticket, you should send an email to [email protected] no later than 1 week before the date of the Print Club.
Saturday 1 March 2025
Please note that in the event that you are unable to attend Print Club on this date, the ticket is non-transferrable to the following month.
To receive a refund on your ticket, you should send an email to [email protected] no later than 1 week before the date of the Print Club.
Saturday 5 April 2025
Please note that in the event that you are unable to attend Print Club on this date, the ticket is non-transferrable to the following month.
To receive a refund on your ticket, you should send an email to [email protected] no later than 1 week before the date of the Print Club.
Saturday 3 May 2025
Please note that in the event that you are unable to attend Print Club on this date, the ticket is non-transferrable to the following month.
To receive a refund on your ticket, you should send an email to [email protected] no later than 1 week before the date of the Print Club.